Posted on: March 28, 2021 Posted by: ascredu Comments: 0

What you need to know about parasite treatment

Antiparasitic drugs are drugs that have a detrimental effect on internal and external parasites, including helminths, blood-sucking insects, and protozoa. The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of antiparasitic drugs. Which of them are the most effective and safe?

Antiparasitic agents: to whom are they prescribed?

In the human body parasitize:

  • Acanthamebs – affecting the brain, eyes. Infection occurs when using contact lenses washed with tap water.
  • Dysentery ameba – parasitizes in the intestine, most often in the colon. But it can infect the liver. Infection occurs by the fecal-oral route.
  • Babesia – affects red blood cells. Infection occurs by tick bite.
  • Blastocysts – parasitize in the intestine. Infection is fecal-oral.
  • Cryptosporidium – affects the intestines.
  • Leishmania – affect the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs. Infection occurs with the bite of some insects.
  • Intestinal giardia – lives in the small intestine. Infection occurs through food or water with feces.
  • Toxoplasmas – affect eyes, brain, liver, heart. Source – uncooked pork and other meats, raw water, soil contaminated with spores from cat feces.
  • Trichomonas – sexual system (sexually transmitted).

Pediculosis is caused by head lice, pubic lice affecting hair follicles. Demodechosis is caused by subcutaneous mites – glandular acne, affecting the sebaceous glands, hair follicles and skin. The pathogen is transmitted by close contact with a sick person. Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by scabies itch. The disease has various skin manifestations, itching, scratching. It is transmitted by contact with a sick person, as well as through objects, bedding. If you are looking for reliable medicines for worms, then it makes sense to take a closer look at this option It is a proven medication that effectively destroys worms in your body.

The most widespread in the world have helminth infestations – helminthiasis, because parasitic worms cause severe pathologies:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • neuritis;
  • migraines;
  • visual disturbances;
  • lung diseases;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • decreased immunity.

The risk group includes children who come in contact with patients in children’s groups, people who do not follow hygiene rules, agricultural workers, hunters, fishermen, sanitation workers, people with immune deficiencies, etc.

Antiparasitic drugs should be prescribed by a doctor after research and clarification of the diagnosis. Even the best antiparasitic drugs have a large number of contraindications, side effects and are designed only to kill one or more parasites. Therefore, self-medication can lead to intoxication, overdose or complications.

When should an antiparasitic be used?

Worms don’t just use the human body to feed and reproduce. Their waste products poison the body. Consuming nutrients, helminthes cause anemia, exhaustion, hypovitaminosis. Helminthiasis is especially dangerous for children. They develop allergies, retardation in growth and development due to lack of nutrients. In chronic helminthiasis, the symptoms and severity of the disease depend on:

  • the type of parasite;
  • localization;
  • the number of worms;
  • eating habits.

Mechanical damage caused by suckers, hooks, spines of worms cause irritation, inflammation, ulceration of mucosa and connective tissue. If you want to find reliable medicines and get rid of worms, you should visit There are many quality medicines that can help you.
